werdahias (tired) |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

Today I became an official #Debian Developer. I am humbled and honored to be a full member of the #Debian project. For the future I hope I'll be able to continue providing free software to all users at a high quality, thereby making the world a bit of a better place. I'm especially grateful to the #Debian community who encouraged and mentored me along the way.

@brainblasted I never stopped buying and ripping CDs and have 30GB of mp3s which I shuffle with kew / lollypop. Depending on my mood I play artists/ single albums.

Status: Zugbindung aufgehoben
Ja mei, dann hoid a Alternativzug

Did some small #Rust QA work in #Debian the past two weeks: packaged one new crate needed to unbreak event-listener; patched 4 others so two obsolete crates can be removed from the archive.

@karolherbst I have a cheap Rock64 from Pine64 running my Nextcloud and Pihole setup. No experience wrt running miniPCs, but Starlabs has a decent one:

@cassidy There is GNOME network displays to stream displays via Miracast devices to a TV for instance.

heh, systemd-tmpfiles --purge now removes /home apparantly. All the more reason to use alternatives to the behemoth systemd became

Um die großartige Sokee zu zitieren:
"Mir langt ein Blick auf die Landtagswahlen, und ich möchte Panzer fahren".
Alter, wenn jetzt schon die Nazis zweitstärkste Kraft hinter den Konservativen sind ...
Da bewahrheitet sich der Song leider...

@jmtd Currently reading: Secret History of the Five Eyes. Well written; greatly details how this alliance came to be and how it evolved into mass-surveilance. Once I've finished that I'd need to get some new material; probably Empire of the Sum ?

My reading list is only getting longer for some reason...

Screensharing also works.

Greetd, gtkgreet and #openRC under #Debian: sucess

So #Hurd in #Debian got #Rust support recently. We certainly live in amazing times.

So I re-setup my StarBook with #Debian and #sway after forgetting my LUKS passphrase, pretty much done. There's still a few minor things I need to fix but I already uploaded a package from this machine and finalized packaging for another one. I still need to figure out how to get greetd working (with #openRC ), test screensharing and setup brtfs snapshots but so far it's usable.

@decathorpe actually forgot my passphrase because I wasn't at my device for a month. Gave up and reinstalled as brute forcing would've taken forever.

Great, now I need to bruteforce my own LuKS passphrase :/

On my way home from #GPN22
Karlsruhe HBF sign

Tmw das eduroam zusammenbricht #GPNLeaks #GPN22

After a 2h delay because a tree fell on the train tracks I am finally on my way to #GPN

man, I need to stop browsing for (CLI-) tools/applications that I consider cool and inadvertently end up packaging for Debian.
