Wouter Verhelst |

Debian Developer. husband. FOSDEM organizer. Tennis lover. Amateur musician.

If it ain't fun, you're not doing it right.

Reasons why I don't like proprietary software, number 26364737: Strava gives you your speed in time per kilometer (which means absolutely nothing to me) rather than the actual, sensible, SI standard of kilometer per hour (which does mean something to me), and I can't file a bug report and I can't send a patch.
annoyed gif

Tomorrow marks the 10th anniversary of the Debian code of conduct, of which I was the primary author.

10 years of a code of conduct has, I think, resulted in a healthier Debian community, and so I am proud to have been part of the process that made Debian into what it is today.

Even so, most of the credit of that improvement should go to the community and DAM teams, who do most of the mediation and enforcement of the coc.

Here's to hoping the next 10 years will be even better.

-y, --force-yes

'iRefers' sounds like something you'll find in apple API reference docs...

-v --very-much-forced

-x, --extra-really-force ?

You can tell Google 'trust me, I know what I'm doing, so just turn that autocorrect feature off' by putting the word in double quotes.

Also, some other search engines don't do that quite as often. I'm personally much happier with duckduckgo in that regard.

Ah yes, good old days of the 2G partition limitation. It took quite a while before you could create partitions beyond 2G, and the workarounds were horrid...

Days since I've been bitten by an off-by-one bug: -1

#Jokes #NotReally #ITHumor

Eh, sorry. I may disagree, but I'm not saying you're wrong? I was just offering another opinion. No need to get upset ๐Ÿ™‚

No I'm not. I'm fully prepared for the fact that the dog may see something on the other side of the street, and will grab them by the collar if they show the smallest indication of paying attention to anything that isn't me.

Like I said, I only do this in a pinch, when the dog is too large to carry around and there is no leash nearby, or for training.

People who just let them roam are assholes. But I don't do that.

Since I moved to cape town, no more DST switching for me, and I couldn't be happier!

I've walked a dog in a public area while I didn't have a leash. I'm *extremely* strict with them when I do that; the dog walks by my side and gets yelled at when they move even a centimeter from the prescribed spot.

I only do that as a training exercise, or in a pinch when I don't have a leash nearby and we need to go somewhere. The dog doesn't like it (obviously). But people who just let the dog roam free? Yup, assholes.

It doesn't feel any worse then any of the other big transitions I remember? Some of the libstdc++ transitions were much more painful than this, and when we moved from XFree86 to I remember I didn't have any working graphics for a few days...

We're a few days in now, and while my daily upgrade is not currently updating massive numbers of packages because of missing reverse dependencies, nothing has broken for me so far...

๐Ÿคฆ Okay, I guess it's time for my coffee ๐Ÿ˜‚

What's in that bottom bay? My mind says 'zip drive' at first, but that doesn't seem right, and it's also missing a lever so it doesn't look like a 5.25" floppy drive... Or am I wrong?

If the model itself is not free software, it falls the tentacles test. Other than that, sure.

I know the type. Once had something like that described to me as 'a translation from Japanese by a Korean person with questionable English skills who was drunk on the job' and it seemed so accurate.

Does not ring a bell -- not even the name of the park. I also don't live in Mechelen anymore, moved to cape town in 2019 ๐Ÿ™‚

And the contacts I still have over there are not on mastodon as far as I know...

Well yes. My point is, calling it 'enshittification' somehow does not seem enough.
