joeDoe |

Time to ask questions, boys!

What communications tools/chat protocols do you use in 2023 for PERSONAL communications? Only select those you have used in the past week or two. If you only write via Facebook to your grandma once a year, don't select it.

Also, I don't care if your workplace uses Slack or MS Teams. Only choose the options you use for personal stuff.

Please, repost for greater reach.

@kiv123 Hi, have a look at The person who runs that website is also here on the fediverse and regularly publishes tips. If you want to have tips in your timeline regularly, simply follow @feditips Welcome!

@highvoltage Oh! Then what is your first? I'd thought English was.

@highvoltage Awesome! What was the 2nd language?

@highvoltage Awesome! I'd love to hear how this goes. Can you manage the click and pop consonants or is that a work in progress?

@edward looks more like frothnorth 😁

@mjg59 Wow! Thanks for this toot. And, @Anarcat thanks for repeating it. This really needs to make the rounds.

I use a dining room table as my desk, so there is space behind the monitor. It's occupied by a variety of things like power bricks for numerous devices, hubs, devices currently not being played with, etc. Not having to reach around that imposing screen to access that space is refreshing.

I'm not sure I'll put the screen back right away, even if it does end up being repairable.

I have a 24" LED monitor to complement my laptop's screen. I've removed the monitor because it's showing signs of failure and needs to be dealt with.

While the loss of the extra visual real estate is felt, especially for things like LibreOffice, GIMP, web browser, etc., it has quite nicely opened the space in front of me.

Try new EaseTurd, the springtime laxative that purifies your mind while resurrecting your digestive tract.

@WecanbeGyros Oh! I thought Trumps legal team just pricked his finger and used the colourless white paste that runs in his veins.

@me @me comes home after running some errands downtown only to find #Sourdough starter oozing out of all the outwardly burst doors and windows of his home 😆

@Mjo321 I'm not sure I should believe that article..... :)

@UncleDuke1969 Yeah, I just dumped my tea down the drain and poured myself a glass of water 😜

@Mjo321 April Fools' Day on a Saturday! What an affront to school kids every where!

@bobjonkman @silverwizard @me

I haven't made bread in over 20 years, so I can't fill you in on the details of the ingredients. But, I do remember that making my own sourdough starter was dead simple.

Flour, water and whatever, maybe nothing, else the recipe said into a jar, covered with something to keep out bugs and dust (loose lid? cheese cloth?) and put it on top of the fridge for X days. Bingo.

What are you folks trying?

Hippotatomus. 🦛🤣

A potato looking like a hippopotamus.

This actually sucks for all libraries. I'm also going to show my opposition to corporate publisher$ but not buying any books, print or digital from them. Until this is over, I will only buy from independent, unaffiliated publishing houses. I can get the stuff from the corporate publishers at the library. I may have to wait in line. So be it. #InternetArchive Please share, boost, pass along, if you think libraries are important in this digital age. 4/4

I've temporarily changed my avatar to show which side I'm on. Get yours here


If you think sharing of digital material in this digital age matters, please repeat, share, pass along this message. 3/4
