joeDoe |

@UncleDuke1969 I hope kitty doesn't think that melon is going to hatch by being laid upon... :)

teacher: what does “agnostic” mean?

me: I don’t know

teacher: correct! how about “ambivalent”?

me: *shrug*

teacher: yes! how about “nihilistic”?

me: what difference does any of this make?

teacher: amazing

I don't just start one task I don't finish. I start MANY tasks I don't finish. It's called multi-slacking.

Royal Proclamation...
And the King declared, "The person who can deliver a package to this address in the village shall have the hand of my child in marriage"

@Mjo321 Trail marker?

@OutOnTheMoors hey, hey, a pidgeon lunch box! Smart bird!

@karlos Haha, until I saw your hashtag #hiddencat, I didn't start looking closely and thought I was looking at a white mouse eating into the top left croissant :)

@UncleDuke1969 OMG, what is the story behind that pic?!! Do you know?

I switched to an Unexpected Keyboard (I have en and fr installed) and the problem with the 'i ' went away, but a second problem, that also occurs with an AnySoftKeyboard, persists. To get an 'à' on my desktop keyboard, I need to type "'" (an apostrophe) which appears to do nothing, followed by 'a' which makes the completely assembled 'à' appear. When I do that in scrcpy, I get 'aà'. It's the same for any accented character where one type a deadkey before the letter. #UnExpectedKeyboard 2/2

I've been experiencing some keyboard weirdness with scrcpy when the on-screen keyboard is an AnySoftKeyboard (I have en, fr and ssh installed). Whenever I type 'i' followed by a space (I guess this happens when I'm using the English AnySoftKeyboard) rather than get a space, the keyboard changes to the next language in the list. #scrcpy #AnySoftKeyboard #keyboard 1/

@dannycolin @vkc The first alternative that came to my mind was Debian 😉 🙃

#Blender #OpenSource #3D #rendering #software gets mentioned in an interview with a Canadian teen who used it to recreate a trailer for Spiderman. His recreation landed him a job on the actual film. The blender bit starts at 1:15 in the timeline.

@Mjo321 or bee at work trying to stay airborn with the weight of all that pollen on itself :)

@NFB Hi @NFB, I follow you here on the #Fediverse. However, a friend forwarded me an email from you to tell me about a film. In the footer at the bottom of the email I noticed you have icons that link to your various commercial social accounts. I'd like to suggest that you add a link to this #Fediverse account as well. I believe that would be a win in terms of exposure for both the @NFB and the #Fediverse. Thanks.

Lasse Nilsson

l'ombre noire d'un homme sur l'herbe verte, ses yeux sont deux pissenlits jaunes

@Mjo321 a horse eating gorse with force of course...

Ada packaged editor
I took some programming classes somewhere around '95-'97. The language of instruction was Ada. We downloaded a .zip file that contained an editor, a compiler, linker, etc that could be run on DOS to code in Ada.

Anyone know what that .zip package might have been? More specifically, I'd be interested in finding the included text editor. If you're not sure yourself :) please repeat this message :)


#Ada #programming #editors #text

@UncleDuke1969 Is it just me or is anyone else reminded of Brad Pitt looking at this pic?

yet another student using CatGPT to do their schoolwork

Young child and cat jointly holding a pencil, writing in a notebook at a desk. The cat looks put out.

Don't put off until tomorrow that which can be put off until next week.
