ah |

I'm old enough to have lived through the struggles of everything being proprietary and free software fighting its way up which made me an avis supporter, but in my experience younger people came in to the game when Open Source was already well established and thus take its existance for granted without ever thinking much about it. Companies also encouraging the workflow of building on top of and never contributing made this natural for them... Atleast thats how I see it.

For more than 20 years, I’ve downloaded files using wget because I could never remember curl options.

It turns out that I was not alone.

@samueloph created a simple wrapper around curl called "wcurl". This is brilliant! And, yes, the name is very intuitive. Best of all, it is already in Debian (and on my system) but it should really be part of the official curl distribution (ping @bagder )

@juliank "The implication graph building allows us to implement an apt why command, [...]" 🎉👏🥳

@mjg59 @neverpanic @TonyYarusso isn't that just one of the fundamental flaws of apparmour though? IIRC paths instead of inodes being the main reason apparmour was rejected from mainline for multiple years.

Given recent online discussions I feel the need to share: My opinion on Code of Conducts is that they should not be needed, but if you are anti-CoC then you are the problem and the reason they exist.

@agrantler @bagder from my debian involvement I can attest to that users do expect people to have time machines!

Been offline and according to my ISP there was an "upgrade" of the Metropolitan area network (MAN). This caused BB2 to again put me behind #CGNAT (always these unannounced things happening when I'm away from home). As a nice surprise when this was addressed I noticed they started giving out native #IPv6 (finally!) via #DHCPv6, except their router is silently dropping all traffic that needs forwarding (so actually worse than nothing).... Why are all ISPs so incompetent?

@bagder this sounds like something which should have a name that ends with law. Stenbergs law maybe? :-)

Similar experience: pointing out where the bug is, being asked to submit PR to fix off-by-one (adding -1), being asked to sign CLA for something which is obviously not copyrightable work:
"Our repository settings doesn't allow us to merge otherwise" <-- then go fix those settings!

@mjg59 If I've learned anything from my decades of professional experience helping build products with yocto it is that the "correct" way to use yocto is to download the vendor built image, mount it, copy binaries inside. "What's patches? What's bitbake? Btw can you fix my broken manual cross compiler setup so I can build and statically link GPLed Qt into my proprietary application?"

@janne thanks!

Actually u-boot v2024.01 (final) is now in unstable (and should migrate to testing in >= 4 days)....

I can't help but think about the boot DING sound when I read about controlling "boot volume" via nvram tools, before next second remember what your actually talking about... Any chance someone has figured out how to disable the boot sound on M1?

#debian experimental now has u-boot-asahi. This together with already available m1n1 and asahi-fwextract you can now run update-m1n1 command and have all the bootloader parts from official debian repos. (Missing kernel and dtbs.)

BEWARE: This is a pure mainline u-boot, missing Asahi tree functionality like: M2 keyboard, multi-(Linux/BSD) booting and some USB parts.

A quick note that the new year started with asahi-audio being accepted inte the #Debian archive and swiftly updated to latest version. This means testing/unstable now has a complete userspace #Asahi audio stack! Still lacking an Asahi kernel in the official archive though, so check out for usable third parties (while we wait for mainlining of kernel parts)!

Another precondition for the #asahi audio stack in #debian on it’s way to unstable with lsp-plugins 1.2.14-1 upload.

rust-wmidi 4.0.10 now uploaded with tests enabled! Thanks to upstream for the quick fixes. This is how #Debian packaging contributes to improving for everyone!

Apart from asahi-audio not being in the archive yet, we also need to take care of #1058672 … then onto actually providing a kernel (and installer) at some point in the future.

Today bankstown-lv2 was ACCEPTED into the #debian archive and I’ve now updated it from 1.0.0 to 1.0.3 as well. Now waiting for asahi-audio to pass NEW and we’ll have the userspace bits of the #asahi audio stack.

Triple uploads of speakersafetyd to #debian unstable today!
