fosdem leadership: "people are saying that we are giving the coinscam fascist guy a keynote because he is sponsoring us, but this is a vicious lie--we are giving him the keynote because we just really like what he has to say!"
Nuntio vobis magnus gaudium, habemus Microsoft 3rd Party UEFI CA-trusted systemd-boot published in Debian unstable! It took many years of work to get here, and special thanks to Ansgar from FTP team and Philipp from DSA for the infra work!
$ sbverify --list systemd-bootx64.efi.signed
image signature issuers:
- /CN=Debian Secure Boot CA
image signature certificates:
- subject: /CN=Debian Secure Boot Signer 2024 - 20425036 - systemd-boot
(arm64 too)
Remembering and thanking Steve Langasek
"Our repository settings doesn't allow us to merge otherwise" <-- then go fix those settings!