disaster2life |

Average internet weirdo, F/OSS enjoyer, Debian Culter, pursuing a degree by day, spending my nights sleepless :p; feel free to reach out, and have a great day.

(Profile Picture and Banner are from Doki Doki Universe)

@sophie144p already modded it with an SD card?

As uncomfortable as it is, good headphones in bed is genuinely super comforting, especially when you need it

@brainblasted @dragfyre @FediThing valid, though, I made that comment misremembering how piglin farms work, … you dont force trade them, their sentient time is short is all.

woah APT looks cool as fuck now, (version 2.9)

@brainblasted @dragfyre @FediThing do golden carrots count as a vegan option? I mean, you *would* have to set up chattle piglin farms, doesn't sound humanitarian at least

@sophie144p FUJISTU MAKES MINI PCs??? I genuinely was clueless, seem useful

@sophie144p loose SATA cable inside the case? also wth is that scuffed "DP" marking for display port lmao

That sudden hit of conciousness of "what the fuck am I doing" after waking up from laying on the ground on all my dirty clothes be real

@sophie144p want these so badly omg

Corrupting children with Xteddy
@FenoTheFox bahahahahaha I am here to corrupt your children!


@highvoltage is this just modern democracy? is this more apparent because there are so many countries have elections this year?

@sophie144p Why buy a rack and rack equipment, when you could just stack computers

For my paper submission on Judicial review tomorrow, very tempted to the cite the example of how the courts decided that “unnatural acts” did not include say gex, and write it all off as a spelling error.

@slcw Why not just fly whichever flag you want and let others do whatever they like? Let people be individuals and stop making them conform to whatever your idea of what normal should look like.

spotting this has made me laugh so fucking hard holy shit, I wish I could see what the message was

I love the cycle of
No sleep so brain no function -> no function so just lay in bed -> not being productive so panik -> no sleep so brain no function :')

What appeal keeps dragging me back to getting things GNOME, I don't know, but for some reason, back to using that again, someone help me i've been hurt before, why again!

re: Mild Lewd, Eye Contact, Selfie

@sophie144p > Don’t smoke THAT JAWLINE THOUGH
