disaster2life |

Internet weirdo, F/OSS enjoyer, Debian Culter, pursuing a degree by day, spending my nights sleepless :p; feel free to reach out, and have a great day!

(Profile Picture and Banner are from Doki Doki Universe)

@sophie144p IBM bag? and woooo ribbion

@sophie144p @jasmin its amazing, i wish we could have good smart watches :(

Looking into F/OSS in Public Transit cause why the hell not, found a presentation about it from an american university, this slide is amazing, mostly because I do not know what dates it back more

@sophie144p thank you for making me feel something at least, even if it was the utmost emotional cloud of confusion, delirum, disgust, and the deepest anger.

@sophie144p horrified, distressed, scared.

learnt this exists
even with its imperfection on not being the best named laptop ever, still willing to give up my modern laptop for that

@badri to be fair it was when I was near the next station I believe, not in the middle of the woods

12 hours to Data Structures Finals, finally actually learning binary search trees, actually quiet interesting

@badri Currently on a train, so loading from My mobile data on Airtel and it loads quickly for me

@badrihippo @breadandcircuses oh yes, they certainly have to go, non jokingly, no scope of a sustainable city really with them roaming around the streets :/

The world is run by unhinged imbeciles, and everyone seems to be just fine with that.

@vics Reasonable and valid! I have heard of that all, though agian, don't really think parenting is for me when I can barely stave off death for myself :)
though it is defininetly for people

I love the miniheartache my college just gave me of suddenly forgetting I am studying one of my mandatory core subjects :)

Todays semester final was regarding “Digital Communication”, a meaningless subject that lost me attendance the whole semester and made me not want to wake up for classes. But hey in the question paper they asked me what “LOL” stood for, and I got to “critically analyse” @highvoltage ‘s blog because I blanked and couldn’t recall any other blogs I had checked recently on LOL

@triskelion @juliank if one wants to clickbait, I think just like a corporate esk "The All New APT" would be great,
"The all new APT: Solver, solves all your problems!" or "The all new APT: user interface, makes that reinstall of your Desktop Envirnoment all that less rage inducing"

@vics well I think I just hate kids is the problem, but the only upside I could think of would be the ability to help someone grow? I am not sure if that’s how you correctly describe it, but helping someone emotionally grow is fulfilling for me weirdly, I think might work in kids too?

@vics Couldn't imagine that level of pain and suffering ever, taking care of kids is just 10 * emotions

being sick fucking sucks, last cold / flu was back in october, honestly forgot how much it sucks, can barely concentrate on shit, less than usual somehow

@FenoTheFox @itsmeholland @hexaheximal I had to learn what MDNI is by looking it up from MSN, FROM MSN, I AM NOT OLD, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN

Stupid people, Homophobia, stupidity
Since my hairs started getting really long and finally decided to try nail paint again, and being able to keep myself shaved, looking very outwardly queer, heard a group of three guys behind me yesterday loudly proclaim (general translation to english) "Gay people, with their hair bigger than their mouths, if they could only grow some facial hair, might be able to grow some pubes and become men". I WISH body hair wasn't a problem because of being gay.
