werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

Last leg of the journey today: Paris Est - home.
#train #Interrail

@yassie_j just feeding them into GrimRipper and then playing it with cue or lollypop

@yassie_j I am grateful I never stopped buying CD's

About to #Interrail home from Barcelona, it's been a nice journey so far. Next stopover: Paris.

@lanodan @mirabilos debian still has a few packages depending on it (GTK2). Qt5 is eol iirc but still gets lts support. I don't think it's going away that soon.


Forcefully file RM bugs for packages using a deprecated tool kit
<this is not based on actual events>

@grillchen @ente @PINE64 never tried GPIO tbf, but they are really convenient as SBC and the company really seems to care about open hardware.

@ente big fan of @PINE64 , running mu #Nextcloud server on am Rock64 since 3 years and zero issues so far

@f4grx @lethalbit
yeah. Just exaggerate your skills:
"Because of my work in area A I am the best candidate for this position.. " "Another one of my qualifications is ... "
Just tie it all in with the job offer and try to sell yourself as good as possible. I know it sucks

Day 3 of #Interrail: On my way to Lisbon.

It's an AVE, but you get the idea. I started in Paris this morning and will arrive in Madrid soon. Mostly high-speed rail the whole journey. Traveling really is fun this way.

@astrid you will use snap and you will hate it.

Come to the #Debian side, we got stability.

Currently onboard an #Renfre AVL going 300 km/h. Why don't we have this in Germany?
High-speed rail is the only alternative to medium to short distance flying. The privatization of #DeutscheBahn was a huge mistake.

@jalcine @brainblasted debian is ideally suited for that. You can run just a stable server running whatever distribution thing you need (won't ever break unless you doing something horribly wrong). For the desktop I can recommend unstable/testing, it's the closest you'll come to vanilla GNOME/KDE.

@awai @mobian thanks :)

Last week I talked to the guys from The Changelog podcast about Debian and it's 30th birthday, it's now up at:

I haven't had the courage yet to listen to it myself, hopefully their producers managed to make something coherent from my usual Debian babbling :-)

@mirabilos db fahrt = abenteuer

@awai @mobian do you know if it will support pen input?

"The time has come to concentrate on the future of Linux rather than on the destructive goal of enriching oneself at the expense of the entire Linux community and its future." -Ian Murdock, 1994
