werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@mirabilos lol, will do

@jon @PGLux @Squig it's really sad. The Prague-Munich line is bottlenecked between Regensburg and Domazlice (iirc); a line that is mostly one single track and not electrified. Local politicans always state "yeah we'll do that" and that's been the status quo for the last twenty years. Don't get me started on the delays caused by the border controls; this is the most delayed connection in Bavaria. East Bavaria in total is a mess train-wise

On my way to #UbuntuSummit, in a late and full regional train to the airport.

foss? pol
@decathorpe @karolherbst guaranteed that the moment when this came into action some neckbeards would be screeching "nooo, linux got woke"

@sqwishy@social.froghat.cabad in which way ?

Du fährst doch gerne Zug, wie ist das denn in Bayern ?
Bahn in Bayern:
BR artikel über die Unpünktlichkeit der Züge in Ostbayern

@malwareminigun unless it's innovative like nix.

@malwareminigun the two big DE, KDE and GNOME have a half-yearly release schedule (iirc) and that usually alignes with Debian releasing ~ every two years. This allows shipping the latest stable release (usually) so users still have a somewhat current system until the next release. Like I said, you have to make a tradeoff somewhere. Reinventing package formats when rpm and dpkg have been battle-tested and around for more than 30 years seems like waste to me

@malwareminigun @drewdevault stable exists for a reason; if you want new stuff use debian sid or testing. Simple as that.

@malwareminigun @drewdevault ask distro maintainers to backport the fix (which debian does btw for CVEs and other security fixes; even regyalr backports exist) or use a newer system. There's always gonna be a tradeoff between stability and new features.

Nice, elogind 254 will come out soon and unbreak alternative inits on debian (and other distros too. Sad that it has come to this.

@malwareminigun @drewdevault upstream shouldn't need to ship anything, if it's a good and free software people will distribute it.

@drewdevault @malwareminigun sure did, as distro maintainer myself I agree.

@malwareminigun @drewdevault ~80 % of the packages in ubuntu are based on the debian ones which are maintained by unpaid volunteers for the most part. I don't know how the numbers are for fedora, but I imagine it's similar. Imho distro packages are the superior in many ways, and I'd rather compile from source than use a flatpak or curl | sh tbh. Most applications I use are distro packages anyway. I think reinventing package formats isn't gonna improve linux itself

It's bad enough that someone would bomb a refugee camp killing 100s of civilians, but that so many people all over the world gleefully support that, makes it so much worse.

@skye this is true. The moment I installed #debian I became a package maintainer /s

@mirabilos just opted for a quick supper; maybe I'll cook tomorrow then

I should start writing about my packaging and general #debian work on a blog. But I feel that'd use up time I don't have :(

tmw you want to make some food but are too tired to do so.

Just got #Obfuscate accepted into #Debian, for all your image-censoring needs.

It's a really nice program to censor e.g. bank statements when you need to send those somewhere.

#Debian #GTK #Rust
