werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@grillchen drum reih dich ein in die Arbeitereinheitsfront

@lakoja code:geass is pretty good; same for One Punch Man. Though not strictly anime, I can recommend avatar and the legend of korra, too. Yesterday I started Pluto and it's suspenseful and interesting so far.

@fuchsi @llewelly @codefolio @jeffc @futurebird no idea. You can simulate complex circuits with multiple Ls and Cs in parallel and /or series and the total impedance just "adds" up. Stuff gets funky at high frequencies when even resistors start exhibiting a capacitive / inductive behavior.

@alice matrix moment

@decathorpe yeah, agreed. It's often a long and tedious process but we ship binaries to the users they can trust and are reproducible.

@decathorpe Sylvestre has packaged sudo- and ntpd-rs, and liushiyu rustup (for which I packaged some dependencies). I got a lot done for magic-wormhole-rs, but still missing crates

@futurebird EE student here. The need for complex numbers is to encode the phase angle of the voltage. The absolute value equals the reactance (i.e. the value) and the phase angle shows the "offset" caused by the reactance. This is relevant for amplifiers for instance. As to why we use imaginary numbers, no idea.

debian-junior 1.31 has been uploaded to Debian unstable. 🥳

debian-junior will provide a new meta package called 'junior-desktop' - Debian Jr. Desktop Environment. 🤩

The goal is to provide a full Desktop Environment for Debian Jr.

More Information on

#Debian #DebianJr #Desktop

@mirabilos eh decentralized ofc

@mirabilos right yeah, that's a disaster. Nowadays most people think Github is the only source of free software. Like the fediverse there should be a centralized git

@mirabilos check out codeberg for a sensible alternative that even works without JS.

@brainblasted ~ 1$/mo (free, needs an invitation code though)

Finished packaging of two small #vim plugins for #Debian today: vim-rainbow (for colouring of brackets belonging together) and vim-autopairs which automatically opens a pair of brackets if you type a single one. This'll make my workflow even more productive.

#debian #vim

cw: pol, rant
Ironic twist of fate (well not fate, but you get the idea) that the countries wil the lowest standard of living and of little to no way capable battling the climate crisis will be the ones hit the hardest. Meanwhile there's still idiots denying it's happening and capitalists like oil execs still profiting from this mess.
I'm so tired of having to idly sit by while we're this close to societal collapse just because of the false god money.

I could use something like #Openreads for desktop linux tbh. Or the feature to sync it to #nextcloud. It's a pretty great open-source app; just a sync feature or native linux support would be the cherry on top.

For those who don't know: it allows tracking and rating of books read, bookmarking (ha) ones you want to read for later, and showing statistics about read books.

@BestGirlGrace iirc there are more than enough characters that #Debian can release for the next 50 years, easily.

Really just being angry about the state of the world right now. My tolerance for people who have no compassion for people who are different than themselves is rapidly diminishing to nothing.

@grillchen make: no rule for target food. Aborting.

I really like people who have the courage to say it how it is.

The SPICE mode in #KiCad and its simulating capacities are way too underrated. I love it. Once again #FreeSoftware being awesome.
