werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@mirabilos bei mir in der Heimat schon, aber leider noch nicht da wo ich zzt bin :(

I really find the obscene level of blatant propaganda by the Israeli government deplorable. How can anyone support this and still sleep at night?

Source post:

@vt52 @ajroach42 @djsundog +1 for obtainium, check out NeoStore if you want a cleaner interface for Fdroid.

Just relesed kew 1.7.0 to #Debian unstable bringing opus and vorbis support. I also uploaded a few fixes for some #Rist libraries.

STOP DOING systemd
@waldi @Bryan @sjuvonen @xenotrope @Wildbill that's why I use Debian with openRC. I have to use elogind for now though, but consolekit2 has landed in debian unstable and will hopefully be able to replace it.

@futurebird Spanish, Russian, French

@larsfrommars as a German I can agree that this is accurate.

Three patches later now it is compiling now at least. Still fails, but progress nonetheless.
A cmake build log erroring out

sigh, I have to deal with #Cmake and a metric ton of vendored dependencies again. Who thought this to be a good idea. Literally every Cmake project I packaged (save for #KDE stuff) vendors headers. It's so tiring.

@decathorpe thanks, will digest $later

@mirabilos @amin @rl_dane right, that makes sense. Fortunately I have a somewhat decent connection.

@ah get ready for dependency trees that'll make you reconsider packaging ;p

@Volksverpetzer ist ja nicht so das wir das schon mal hatten.

@mirabilos @amin @rl_dane huh, never had that issue tbh. Though I use as mirror

@mirabilos @rl_dane @amin nala (an apt wrapper) does parallel downloads/requests by default so it's way faster (even though it's written in python)

I'm now a member of the Debian Rust Team. Sorry in advance to Debian FTP Team. #debian #rust #asahi

Thanks to Brian Kerninghan and Dennis Richtie for creating the base that made #Linux and #Debian possible !
A terminal window showing the UNIX timestamp 1700000000

Just got kew accepted into #Debian. It's a small CLI music player wriiten in C supporting cover art display and a visualizer, if desired. I'll only use that to listen to music while packaging now (:

@mirabilos sorry :(

@mirabilos just found it pretty hilarious, albeit a bit over the nose
