werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

My talk about packaging #Rust applications and libraries for #Debian I gave at #UbuntuSummit in Riga is online. Feel free to check it out here:

@jon sad state of affairs, yeah

@MikeDunnAuthor can really recommend the book "Gun Thugs, Rednecks and Radicals" for a ggod read about the West Virginia Coal Wars.

@highvoltage yeah. The only thing I'd miss is a) discovering new music and b) getting notifications about new releases.

@highvoltage I'm glad I never stopped collecting / importing CDs as you actually own the media. I'll delete my music streaming soon because I have most of my music offline anyway. And with kew (which I packaged ) playing it is really convenient.

Now is a great time to build up a physical CD collection while their cheap and readily available. Yesterday I got this Tracy Chapman disc, I've seen the cover art on my streaming service a few times. She looks really sad on the cover. But if you have the physical copy and open up the cover, she's happy on the inside!
Album cover of Tracy Chapman self-titled album. She looks sad on the album cover. Inside sleeve of album, it looks similar to the photo on the cover, but Tracy is smiling.

Just sitting in an online meet as my prof caught Covid. He was like "supposedly the numbers are exploding at the moment". Yeah, it's not going away soon.

Thanks to a really knowledgeable guy at my local hackspace I know now a bit more about reverse-engineering firmware. I'll try to make time to learn it properly. The end goal would be to tackle the Intel WiFi binary blobs, e.g. for the AX200 card. For now I'll start slow.

swear words
@EricCarroll "Leck-mich-am-Arsch-Mentalität" which kinda translates to zero fucks given mentality. Literally "Lick my Ass".

Rape mention
TIL anti-flag (the punk group) disbanded after rape allegations against the main singer. Sad that especially such a political band has effectively ceased to exist. At least the other members took the relevant consequences and didn't back Justin Sane.

@mirabilos @mjdxp I'd argue nroff is more obscure here ^^ but seriously, those people fighting with and complaining about word is too much sometimes. Like LaTex literally typeset your document

@mirabilos @mjdxp if they even knew about it. My software-related classes are all using VS and the MSVC. And people think you're a hackerman when writing a report in LaTex. Sometimes I just want to bang my head on the table.

@futurebird nice, did the same recently in my Electronics course.

@eslerm huh, purging pulseaudio did the trick. Weird it still got pulled in in the first place.

@ema thanks for the read. I already use pwcli iirc, was just wondering if there was a better solution. Seems to me that pavucontrol should Depend: on pipewire-pulse so you don't accidentally pull in pulseaudio.

Why does pavocontrol in #Debian pull in pulseaudio even though I have #Pipewire installed ? I do not want that on my machine; it should work with pipewire-pulse just fine. Does anyone know if there is something like pavucontrol but for #Pipewire ?

CD haul from my local library. I'm glad that such institutions exist; thus enabling education for all people if they choose to do so. Next step: Feeding all those into Asunder.
A big pile of CD's next to a keyboard.

@paul_ward_irl @Miriamm And yeah, the Hamas was funded by the States and Arafat was murdered in order to kill to idea of the 2-state-solution.

@paul_ward_irl @Miriamm sad to see that most people don't get that valid critic on Israels current politics does not equal antisemitism. That's effectively dismissing all critic under "antisemitism", even if that's not the case. Most Israelis also agree on a ceasefire, something Nethanjau has opposed heavily.

@mirabilos stimmt
