werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@futurebird "resettlement" or "replacement by foreigners" is straight up fascist rethoric drawing from Hitler. Disgusting

@wolf480pl @niconiconi "all digital electronic is comprised of analog components

@mawkler @signalapp sad. Even people I know that don't care that much about privacy know that Signal is used for anonymity and they usually are ok switching to it (even if it just for me)

@mawkler @signalapp the snowden quote about free speech and privacy

Railway was accepted into #Debian today ! Thanks to @awai for packaging most of its dependencies. This #GTK - #Rust app allows queuing travel information, for instance from #DB .

tmw you want to run a sysvinit service but the init script is just broken :/ guess I need to add this to the ever-growing todolist

@foone ok, thanks

@foone did you ever manage to reverse engineer the TP link TL-SG105? I found your FW dump and want to dig in now.
Seems like the UI is plain html + svg /jpg files. The data before that is probably the actual OS (unless I'm mistaken)

@Zugschlus vllt "kennt" discover nur pakete mit appstream support?

I used to love this song as a child, and the older I get the more I learned about the stuff they're singing about.

tmw all ICEs are delayed for 30 mins :m
But I get home earlier (:

hm, pondering to risk an earlier departure with even more stacked ICE trains. But I guess it won't matter anyway today

@neil vim is great, even more with some plugins to extend functionality. I can recommend vim-gruvbox, vim-rainbow and vim-autopair (Debian packages). I don't judge people though, everyone should use what they prefer.

@dancinyogi driven both (from Germany). Driving stick is essentially getting a feel for the clutch. Let it come gently and increase gas at the same time ( when starting in gear 1) and then gently release it. Switch often. Diesel cars should switch to a higher gear at ~ 2000 rpm, gas cars earlier. If you're driving up a hill you often need to switch down to maintain speed /accelerate. It just boils down to lots of practice and getting a feel of when to switch up/down

> listen to alternative rock radio station
> they play thirty seconds to mars

Now uploaded to the #Debian new queue pending reviewm

Christmas donation

@drewdevault @larsmb that's with I use openRC. Unfortunately sometimes systemd breaks stuff regardless of other inits

More attacks by Israel on journalists, I hope they are made to pay for all their war crimes.

So #Snapshot, the new camera app for #GNOME, builds and runs on #Debian too (fully offline !). Still need to teak a few rough edges packaging-wise and I can't test it yet. For now I'll focus on my studies.

#Debian #Rust #GNOME
