werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

That warm feeling when you've discovered some really unknown band that really slaps.

@ah well afaik only one ftpmaster processes uploads atm, so that might take time

#Loupe running as native app under debian: check. Coming soon...

#Debian #Rust
Loupe running under debian with a meme about circuits displayed

@kathenas turns out I had a broken tarball for some reason, works fine with more sleep to tackle it

@dangillmor @natematias I self-hosted #Nextcloud few years back because I didn't trust those big companies with my own data. Afaik you can also rent/buy a Nextcloud instance which is hosted somewhere (Hetzner iirc?)

I think I ran into a bug where uscan fails to repack huge tarballs when the compression is set to xz. Works fine with gz. I'll debug and file a proper bugreport tomorrow.

@decathorpe ah, interesting. It's also often us "fighting" to get the test suite at least working somewhat with patching, and not really rewarding. Upside is I learned more in doing so

@decathorpe yeah, the long times on the debian side come from running autopkgtests for libraries which compile every feature on its own (and all enabled) and the run cargo test. This can take very long for packages with a lot of features ( say glib or uom).

@anarchiv planned obsolescence is real. I got a GDR-made mixer from my Grandma and it still works ™

@decathorpe right. That is somewhat a gripe I have with rust: long compiletimes and static linking. I hope this improves

@decathorpe building rust-uom be like that (:
I can only run that on my really beefy machine.

Did some small reviewing of the Rust teams' MR queue today. Mostly small nitpicks, but important nevertheless to show contributors that their work isn't ignored.
#Debian #Rust

Harvested some potatoes out of their pots today. They were partially frozen, but are still edible.
Some potatoes in a green bin

All hail Linux!
Screenshot of website indicating the 6.6.6 release of the Linux kernel

Highlights from today's travling #DB
An old DB station wagon An ICE display but it show "ICE 0" and "Do not board"

Right next to me is a woman coughing, glad I 'm wearing a mask.

Now in am #ICE train home where maybe 10 % are wearing a mask.

rant, depol
Again stuck at Frankfurt Central Station because of delayed trains. I am kinda angry at the Merkel Government now letting the infrastructure rot for 16 years. Privatization was a huge mistake. It's so tiring how much didn't get tackled (climate change, better insurance, nazis, education etc.).

Wouldn't mind living in another country for a longer time at this point.

@lethalbit nice, thanks.

@lethalbit @lina will there be a recording to watch later ?
