werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

tmw your bios battery is empty since two months but you're to lazy to replace it

... and #Loupe is available now in #Debian unstable.

glycin-loaders, the last missing piece for #Loupe, was just accepted into #Debian experimental. This allows users to view images sandboxed thanks to the work of @sophie and @brainblasted .

@mirabilos I fell you, hazel pollen is active again, even with Loratardin I still have a runny nose

Man, it's mid February and already 12°C. Wtf. We used to have snow around this time. Hazel pollen is also active again and inconvening people. And some still claim climate change does not exist.

man I miss having an induction stovetop to cook

Sigh, even the "moderate" parties in Germany call for deportations of refugees. I am so tired and angry. That is not solving any issues, it will just help the fascists. Germany needs workforce for one, and applying for asylum is a human right anyway. I am deeply disappointed in most of the politicians here. Hell, if industry leaders tell them "this might not be a good idea" I'd take a step back and evaluate. All of that just because of approval ratings & not actual improvement of the status quo

Israel has now destroyed more than half of all buildings in Gaza. If you call this self defense, then FUCK YOU.

The ongoing occupation and attack against civilians in Gaza is an ongoing horror. The IDF are monsters and so is anyone supporting them.

An American Jewish person speaks against antisemitic Zionism, ironically the average Israeli would say that they are not real Jews, which is in itself further antisemitism.

@chebra yeah, a MR has been prepared for mobian once it hits testing (so in four days)

@decathorpe also the usual dance to get the crate to link with debian C libraries

@chfkch I was just joking about systemd. It sometimes does not end services right away when shutting down/restarting and runs a stop job for a session. Since those have timeouts it can take some time until those get terminated.
With other init systems like sysvinit or openRC the process supervisor just sends a SIGKILL to all processes (that they should terminate) and there's no need to run stopjobs making it faster (imho)

@decathorpe hehe, yeah. Debian has some policies that seem detrimental to quick packaging but actually make sense in the long run. In this case it was a crate hard-coding the location for the rest data while not including them in the release.

Me, packaging a Rust FFI crates (C bindings):
Sure I won't need excessive patches to get this to build according to Debian standards.
Two patches later: So that was just overly optimistic

Aus gegebenen Anlass #fckafd
sensitive media
An antifa logo with tux stating "htop, trace and ssh linux user anifa'

don't you love it when your system boots up/shuts down within seconds instead of running pointless stopjobs and you can actually grep the syslogs like dennis richtie intended it ?

#Snapshot, the new #GNOME 45 camera app is in #Debian now. It was a lot of to work to get it in since we build unvendored. This meant packaging ~ 10 new libraries beforehand.

@bookstardust @grittyschool @BR24 CSU macht CSU dinge. Die glauben immer noch sie könnten die AfD "inhaltlich stellen". Könnte kotzen.

@i0null mood
