werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

death mention
Rocking Engelbert-Strauß working pants and a nice long, black wollen coat right now. I bet Karl Lagerfeld is spinning in his grave ;)

@Fiolakais nixOS moment

@aebahn @lewd ok danke, werde mich da mal informieren.

@aebahn @lewd TIL. Kannst du mir u.U. einen USB-NFC-Reader für Linux empfehlen?

@lewd ah, mb.

@lewd @marhei gibt ausweisapp2 als Software-Paket, man braucht nur ein NFC-fähiges Handy.

@sad_electronics nothing like boomers talking loudly in a ICE

Still looking for a ticket for the #Easterhegg 2024. If anyone has one to give away, even at short notice, I'd appreciate it.
Boots welcome.
#eh2024 #easterhegg

Just fought one hour with vim to get two language servers via the vim-lsp plugin to run. Turned out the README was wrong :(
Upside is it works™ now.


@federicomena Is libipuz' rust port still a WIP ?

@Seirdy I recently dived in and bought a StarBook MK VI (AMD), and am really happy with it. #Debian runs ootb; the obly downside is coreboot for the AMD variant still being in development. Awesome device apart from that.

@ellie one could argue the #Debian's pocon is in a way anonymized telemetry. At install you get asked if you want to install it. If chosen, it will generate a unique machine id and "report" one count for each binary package installed. This gives developers a rough idea how many users a certain package has. I opted in, because I know I cam trust the free software community in that regard.

... and sucessfully updated to LineageOS 21 :)
This proves that consumer electronics can be used a lot longer than companies want you to
A screenshot showing the lineage os updater at version 21

@OdyX nice, finally in central europe again.

@maximemelian bleihalting ist leider besser

@andrew_shadura @jon missed opportunity to mention gnu social

Really glad and proud that there's folks out there fighting the planned obsolescence. Just saw that my phone will receive an update to Lineage OS 21. When I first got it it ran Pie (9.0). This states the obvious imo: Companies should support devices at least this long, thus reducing e-waste, saving resources and ensuring security. I'm really glad other FOSS developers put in the effort to make this happen. I will use this phone until it breaks down. Sad that the broad mass doesn't feel like that

@grillchen @sonny @pid_eins I wouldn't mind it at all if it was *just* an init system. But taking over timesync, network, cronjobs, file management, dns resolving is too much imo. What's wrong with using simple ntp ? I use OpenRC with Debian because a) I want a choice and b) not having my whole system depend on a program that should only manage services. And hard dependencies on systemd seems like "my way is the only way" kinda solution.

@grillchen just 20 more years..

@wouter @mirabilos iirc there was discussion on it but no consensus was reached. I think the main issue was the time alignment between countries like Finland and Spain for instance. Fwiw, I'm all for banning it, there's no benefit except sleep loss :(
