werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@Fiolakais average development experience

@drewdevault basically a meme from twitter where someone would reply ratio to a stupid take and if that got more likes the the OP the OOP got ratio'ed.

@slomo @decathorpe +1 for that. I still haven't fully caught up with the previous release (0.8) in Debian. That is with gtk3-rs gone from the repos; it's just that many moving parts needed to be updated and synchronized in parallel. Less frequent / non-api-breaking releases would be much appreciated; this also allows for more testing.

@highvoltage that's why we need to preserve knowledge and build communities.

@starlabssystems drink coffee, then contribute to #Debian if I have time to do so

@mirabilos kontext ?

TIL is a thing. Pretty hilarious imo.

Trying out the beta of nala-rs, and it's really good. I really like that theming the output is possible, here in my case Gruvbox-styled.
A terminal screenshot showing the colored output of nala-rs. The colors are matching gruvbox colorscheme

@Ganneff is libavcodec installed ?

@karolherbst I sure hope Debian does. While I never use Chromium the Debian version is extensively patched for privacy reasons.

@vics @goaty man, that sucks. I hope for you that you'll get the opportunity to travel Europe one day, too.

an angry techbro story: one Michael D. Mintz forked an LGPL-2.1 codebase and unilaterally changed the license to MIT.

Now he's very, very angry because people pointed out that this is license terms violation, and asked him to either use LGPL-2.1 or ask the original authors to relicense.

the dude's some fucking automation lead at household name companies, for fuck's sake. he really should have known better.

EDIT#1: it seems that the dude published at least one three other pieces of software with changed license, without crediting original authors and after having removed change history. congratulations for being probably one of the first people who managed to break the onerous requirements of the fucking BSD 3 clause license.

EDIT#2: ouch.

EDIT#3: more of the same plus a proposal to unilaterally dual-license LGPL code using MIT license. this is not going well.

EDIT#4: more of the same, third-party components edition.

EDIT#5: the issues asking for clarifications of the licensing terms opened by @pbarker in SeleniumBase repositories have been deleted by the organization owner. this_is_fine.gif.

EDIT#6: there's a reluctant, forced progress, mostly in the licensing area: the license of pynose (the nose fork) has been fixed, the AUTHORS file restored. the pdbp* licensing problems seem to be progressing too, and whoever did sit on the dude and managed to reach through, did a good job.

there are still outstanding issues with the embedded third-party software, and mdmintz still doesn't seem to understand why he should credit the prior authors and contributors instead of the self-aggrandizing approach he prefers.

@mirabilos imho that tag is too pedantic anyway

applying straight 230 VAC to a heating resistor without any temperature switch ? Yeah, it's debugging time.

@goaty thanks to schengen and most countries using the Euro it's really easy to just travel to another country. I was born in Germany and have been to 13 EU countries so far ( if you count Vatican City and San Marino as speperate ones); planning for Slovenia this summer.

Judas Priest still slaps, even their recent releases. Rod Halfords' voice range is just incredible, and the rest of the band plays great, too. Really need to see them live at some point.

Ok, glycin-loaders 1.0.1 with svg support is now available in #Debian experimental.
No time (yet) to update Loupe (exams atm), so stay tuned. #Rust

@decathorpe tbf it jumped to 20% later (of 16 GB). My build setup allows for most of the data to be directly offloaded into RAM as my /tmp partition is mounted as tmpfs, thus greatly reducing diskwrite. Now I enabled all loaders except jpegxl (and image-rs is still missing exr support).
