werdahias (tired) |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@Exilsarahl o.O (Spektrumanalyzer)

Gibt nichts besseres als wenn der ICE durch fragwürdige #Grenzkontrollen ( die sicher keine Bias haben) wieder mal um 20 min verspätet.

@josch thanks, will do tomorrow on the train

@josch @jacqueline@chaos.socialaybe we should discuss if we want to keep it in Debian. Tbh I filed the RFP for hyprland but that was way back before I learned how bigoted upstream is. Such behavior has no place in Debian, full stop. Shipping a piece of software from a dev endorsing it makes me uncomfortable to say the least.

@jon shitty service either way, this lets a lot to be desired

@jon average DB experience be like

So schraubenkiste, a font which allows for easy labeling and sorting of screws, is available in #Debian now.
Upstream homepage (German though):
It is really nice, just typing TX will give you a torx screwhead symbol you can print out on a label then.

@NinaRckln @jon I think the link from Badajoz to Lisbon is currently being built, but iirc there were some issues as the portuguese government opted out at some point. Madrid-Badajoz is fine imo, but a direct line would be much appreciated

Tfw when you end up debugging GTK4 test failures to unbreak gtk-rs

@jon @NinaRckln I traveled from Frankfurt to Lisboa last summer via Interrail. Took me three days though: 1 day from Frankfurt -> Paris, 1 day from Paris->Madrid via Barcelona, and the last day Madrid->Lisboa via Badajoz. Sad that there is no high-speed rail from Madrid to Lisboa.

@gagath congrats ! I need to do that, too.

@gagath afraid not. Probably ask on #debian-social as this requires direct instance changes.

@gagath seems sensible. Though I rarely access the actual site this would be a nice touch.

@Fiolakais average development experience

@drewdevault basically a meme from twitter where someone would reply ratio to a stupid take and if that got more likes the the OP the OOP got ratio'ed.

@slomo @decathorpe +1 for that. I still haven't fully caught up with the previous release (0.8) in Debian. That is with gtk3-rs gone from the repos; it's just that many moving parts needed to be updated and synchronized in parallel. Less frequent / non-api-breaking releases would be much appreciated; this also allows for more testing.

@highvoltage that's why we need to preserve knowledge and build communities.

@starlabssystems drink coffee, then contribute to #Debian if I have time to do so
