werdahias (tired) |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@alexanderkjall @frost @liw there is prs which aims to be a pass (1) replacement in Rust with tomb support and zeroing of secrets. I mostly finished the Debian packaging and will upload to NEW soon.

Why do people keep repeating the lies that Meta's Llama is Open Source when it absolutely and clearly is not?

@decathorpe ja wir haben ja auch leider genügend Politiker dieses Kalibera, z.B. Scheuer, Dobrindt, Seehofer, Söder

@leyrer recent finds: prs, librespeed-cli, ffsend, kew, ani-cli, neo-cli and gurk

Aizam Deppen:

"Typisch Grüne!" - Söder rügt Nein zu Lilium-Hilfe,URS8ix8?at_medium=mastodon&​

Wir brauchen funktionierende Züge und keine Flugtaxis.

So I got some used (basically new) Fairbuds XL and I am really satisfied with them. Will test more extensively in the next days. Really like that they are repairable (you can get every part, down to the speaker).

@MikeDunnAuthor John Brown did nothing wrong.

@yogthos note that Alfred Nobel didn't create the economics Nobel Prize, it was introduced later on by capitalists.

@decathorpe the other day I just ported a crate from nix 0.17 (!) to 0.27, smooth sailing. clap OTOH is indeed not trivial.

depol, dark humor
Musste sehr lachen.
sensitive media
Dass Hank Schrader Meme mit einem düsteren und lachendem Gesicht. Titel: "Wenn man den Anschluss verpasst hat" Das linke, finstere Gesicht ist mit "Bahnreisende" überschrieben, das rechte, heitere mit "Österreicher"

and yet again standing around in Nürnberg because my ICE is delayed

@decathorpe ok, thanks, I will look at you packaging then, hopefully I'll get it to work.

@nordkommission great, East Bavaria will likely won't change wrt to shitty train infra.

@decathorpe Did you enable libglycin in Fedora btw ? I tried to do so in Debian but it won't compile because it can't find the header needed during the build which gets created during the build ? I am considering to just leave it disabled for now.

tfw when you just want to build a program but end up making a MR for a library since it's missing the files needed for the build

@Fiolakais does not exist ;)

Israel has killed 700 civilians in Lebonon since Monday. Jesus Fucking Christ what's wrong with you people!?

@jmtd check out pwvucontrol which is basically pavucontrol without pulseaudio

@mntmn also Snowpiercer
