werdahias (tired) |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@Ganneff o.O bin froh dass days opt-out bei mir problemlos ging

mother linux distro is the best 🥲

The meme compares a 13-year-old using various obscure Linux distributions only to realize they're all variants of 3 distributions, with a 40-year-old using Debian to get stuff done.

HP Draftaster II

8-fach Penplotter zu VERSCHENKEN.

Abholung in Wien.

Wenn Ich keine Rückmeldung kriege, kommt der am Montag auf den Mistplatz.

Er funktioniert und ist cool, aber gross und Ich hab keinen Platz mehr dafür.

Win grosser, alter, stabiler Plotter.

@kohnzn r/popping hat mehr davon

Nice, @signalapp now supports call links and folders for chats. Especially call links are a feature I'll definitely use.

My heart goes out to the Syrian people today, who are free of a brutal dictator now. I hope a stable gouvernment without any foreign interference will be formed, for a better tomorrow.
Let's hope the future won't have any more wars.

@lindawoodrow @North @permacomputer thanks, that looks interesting.

@grindhold @North thanks :)

@North @matthewvenn thanks, will definitly look into this. To clarify, I am thinking community-produced semiconductors for instance. Right now the whole worlds chip supply is in the hands of 3 foundries, and I don't think this is a good idea.

@sad_electronics Got a link to the Gerber files ?


Can anyone point me to resources to learn more about:
- sustainable / openhardware electronics
- "homemade" electronic components (logic gates, resistors, etc.)(CC @North)
Basically if society would end tomorrow, how could we re-build our current technology without making the same mistakes ?
I think about sustainably living with nature in this scenario while also having electric power and e.g. computers.

Please boost for further reach.
#electronics #sustainable

It took some time, but the updated glycin-loaders is now available in Debian unstable. Gotta say, #Loupe is really starting to grow on me. Would be grand if some small editing was possible, too.

that moment when you get a reply on a bug that you already had forgotten about filing

#Debian stuff this week:
Not a lot, but I packaged code-minimap and vim-minimap (renders code as dots in a minimap to the left in vim).
Also packaged tex-fmt (a fast LaTeX formatter written in Rust).
Continued to work on getting rust-time-0.1 removed.

Hmm @ Flatpak. Maybe it's less effort to just help with the Lutris backport in Debian instead.

@grillchen nice if you want to chat with people without a phonenumber

@ralphruthe nicht 2022 aber: Legion (von FX). mMn einer der besten Serien die je gemacht wurde. Aktueller: The Silo mit einer sehr guten Hauptdarstellerin

Protip: Do not move during the semester (it sucks)

@mirabilos At first I read "solder weather approaching" and was like, yeah, I'd like some soldering
