werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

@mirabilos o.O systemd crashing a working setup ?

@IPEdmonton wrap it generously in bubblewrap, problem solved. I shipped a monitor from Canada to Europe that way and nothing broke at all.

@joao yeah, except that I manually whitelisted specific files; all other files are blacklisted by default. iirc Drew added them with git add manually, but that way I find it hard to keep track which files should be whitelisted.

Finally figured out how to write a proper gitignore for dot/configfiles. I hope I can find the time to make a blogpost about this.

Today I finished my term as Debian Project Leader. It feels almost as surreal as having become DPL in the first place. Thanks to everyone who has shown their confidence, support and assistance over the last four years, and more than that, thank you to everyone who has made Debian better, not only as a Linux distribution, but as a global project that we can be proud of!

"I want to make my own resistor": get a piece of wire. you are now done. this will perform perfectly well.

"I want to make my own inductor": get a piece of wire. wrap it round a stick. you are now done. this will perform perfectly well.

"I want to make my own capacitor": here is a twenty page essay on building a foil capacitor. follow these steps. it will perform like dogshit.

@joao glad you enjoy it.

It's taken forever to get there, but I just uploaded uploaded obfuscate 0.10 to #Debian experimental. This is the first available package using gtk-rs 0.8.
The rest will follow soon ™

@jmtd gitleaks is a tool to mitigate that. This is certainly an issue.

@zhenech @liw I once spent three days chasing a bug in a package I made until I realized I'd made a typo.
Recently it happened again.

Had a somewhat bad day since my laptop broke down. Relaxing with some classic Billy Talent right now.

Depol, rant
@highvoltage /2
Imho they did some really good work, especially regarding the 16 years of Merkel which left a lot of huge issues.

But nobody seems to bat an eye when the Israelian government is commiting war crimes and effectively pulling through with their plan to ethnically cleanse the Gaza strip.
I'm so sick and tired of this shit.
Spain and Ireland seem to be the only countries actually having some decency and caring about Palestine.

Depol, rant
@highvoltage I am really angry that our government still *unconditionally* supports Israel. Like we have a historic responsibility, most people (expect some fascists) care about that. But this does not excuse support ing the israelian government whatever happens. It's fucked, really. Germany is the second-biggest arms dealer for Israel. The new coalition got a lot of flak for a lot of totally unjustified things, like the decisions to not extend the nuclear reactors. /1

@mntmn thanks :)

@mntmn would you mind sharing the config file for waybar used here ?

Man the quiet compartment in an ICE is really nice

Wenn sogar die Autoindustrie erkennt, dass Güter auf die Schiene gehören:,U8zHGn4

Meanwhile ist der Nordzulauf des Brenner-Basistunnels noch nicht mal ansatzweise im Baubeginn. Das wird die #CSU noch bereuen, dies nicht gefördert zu haben. Die Schweizer führen schon Gespräche, die Güter über Frankreich in den Norden zu bringen. Ein Armutszeugnis.
#Bahn #Güter #Verkehrswende

@maximemelian @tastytea pluto. Very suspenseful and well-made.

Given recent online discussions I feel the need to share: My opinion on Code of Conducts is that they should not be needed, but if you are anti-CoC then you are the problem and the reason they exist.

Nothing more refreshing than being almost run over by a car driver. As a cyclist in the city you're basically in danger every time you are biking.
