werdahias (tired) |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

oh my god i love 99 luftballons so much i wish germany was real


took *two years*
User Services 2.0
#723 by navi-desu was merged 1 minute ago

@olasd OK, thanks

@olasd @LinuxAndYarn @neil
Hijacking this, but any recommendations for a cheap KVM switch with four USB ports + one Ethernet one ?

@Ganneff o.O bin froh dass days opt-out bei mir problemlos ging

mother linux distro is the best 🥲

The meme compares a 13-year-old using various obscure Linux distributions only to realize they're all variants of 3 distributions, with a 40-year-old using Debian to get stuff done.

HP Draftaster II

8-fach Penplotter zu VERSCHENKEN.

Abholung in Wien.

Wenn Ich keine RĂźckmeldung kriege, kommt der am Montag auf den Mistplatz.

Er funktioniert und ist cool, aber gross und Ich hab keinen Platz mehr dafĂźr.

Win grosser, alter, stabiler Plotter.

i know systemd is not a fan of the whole unix philosophy thing but, does systemctl list-units really not have any way to output something that is pipe friendly?

it seems to always print a header with column names and a footer with “N units listed”

making the simple job of “list-units | grep | xargs <something else>” a lot more annoying

Some analog IC engineers, when confronted with a voltage calibration problem, think "I know, I’ll use a Zener reference." Now they have buried the solution.

And - 2025 started the wrong way. Can we please restart? 😢💀

F*ck cancer.

The Debian Installer team is pleased to announce the first alpha release of the installer for Debian 13 Trixie.


Word, Ms Word.

A picture of a screen showing two icons on windows, in a window titled “Office”. One of the icons is the Microsoft word icon labeled simply “Word” and the other is the same icon with a little red bow on it, labeled “Ms Word”.

An­woh­ne­r:in­nen St. Paulis fßrchten, dass es im Konflikt mit der Polizei bald Tote gibt. Schwarze Menschen in psychischen Krisen seien bedroht.!6057614

S'Novim Godom!

Stylised Soyuz rocket, Soviet New year's Card.

S'Novim Godom!

Stylised Soyuz rocket, Soviet New year's Card.

Inside you are two wolves.

You can use update-alternatives --config wolf to set your default wolf.

@kohnzn r/popping hat mehr davon

Nice, @signalapp now supports call links and folders for chats. Especially call links are a feature I'll definitely use.

My heart goes out to the Syrian people today, who are free of a brutal dictator now. I hope a stable gouvernment without any foreign interference will be formed, for a better tomorrow.
Let's hope the future won't have any more wars.
