werdahias |

Debian Developer. EE student.
Likes hiking, reading and free software.
"Freiheit ist immer Freiheit des anders Denkenden." - Rosa Luxemburg

Cw: de pol
Ohne Worte.
sensitive media
Grafik zur Landtagswahl Bayern. Frage: " Die CSU ist mir nicht mehr konservativ genug". 65% der AfD Wahler stimmen dem zu.

tmw you rush to uni only to notice that your course starts one and a half hours later and you realize you could've slept longer.🙃️

@mobian Warp will take a bit, but I packaged most of the remaining dependencies. Only one crypto crate remains locally to be tackled.

@marhei nice. Habe dass diesen Sommer in drei Tagen gemacht von Frankfurt nach Lissabon. Stopver in Madrid, Barcelona und Paris.

Around 2021, I would've considered going to Israel in the future if Netanyahu was ousted in the elections, and the extremist right-wing members of his government would go out with him and if there was a glimmer of hope of peace with Palestine. Instead, he's still there, and they continued ruthlessly murdering Palestinian civilians and confined them to Gaza, the biggest open-air prison in the world.

Last year they escalated further and went after journalists. Even destroying a major media building (fortunately no one was in there at the time) and killing journalists. Today they are taking down telecoms, and preventing food and medicine from entering the region.

I condemn the terrorist attacks from Hamas. I also condemn the senseless, relentless violence that Israel has inflicted upon millions of innocent people, and continue to do.

Maybe at one point I would've considered a possibility of going to Israel in the future, but right now there's a zero chance of that. The people who unconditionally support Israel are in the same league as people who supported Apartheid in South Africa, a MAGA American or other types of trash people.

I want nothing to do with them and they're not my friend. If someone can't manage to maintain a very minimum baseline of humanity, then they can go fuck off for all that I'm concerned.

Cw: de pol
15% Faschos bei der #Landtagswahl in Bayern. 37% für die Gemütstrinker von der #CSU und FW bei 14%. Oida. Ist ja nicht so, dass wir gerade sehr dringliche Probleme haben, wie #Klimawandel.

Da sehe ich schwarz für die Zukunft Deutschlands.

@linear pdfs are exactly the kind of file I send when it's any official stuff because I know they can't easily be tampered with. Signed work contract ? pdf. Report? PDF. Government stuff? Believe it or not, pdf. I've never had issues so far.

@jon booking some renfre connections/reservations isn't possible via #Interrail.

@alexanderkjall @decathorpe looks like the arch-nightmares for ring are over. :)
0.17 has finally been released.

@f00fc7c8 @luana as a distro maintainer vendored libraries are hell imo. Because a) that's a potential security risk b) you have duplication and c) it's not makimg for reproducible builds. I'm glad most devs do not vendor their programs and I'm especially glad Debian has strict policies on embedded code copies.

Sneak Peek at qadwaitadecorations running under #Debian. This plugin provides an adwaita-like look for #QT applications.
Thanks to @jgrulich for writing the code.
A riseup vpn screenshot with a libadwaita-like headerbar. Since this is a Qt app the decoration is provided by a plugin.

@jmtd you can still do this with a extensions, but it's pretty hacky. GNOME web can also do PWAs, fwiw.

@ju I have the Gruvbox GTK theme installed, yeah. I have this colorscheme almost everywhere (vim, kicad, GNOME Shell, terminal etc) because I find it pleasant to the eye

@futurebird but medicare for all is communism !1!1!
Seriously, as european it's mind boggling to see people actually believing that. tbf they got intrumentalized, still ...

I can't begin to imagine not being able to take a free checkup at the doctor when I don't feel well.

#Obfuscate running as native #Debian package: check. Still pending review by ftpmasters; then it'll available for all.

A screenshot of obfuscate, a program to censor sensitive information. The window is themed with a Gruvbox GTK theme

The complete gtk-rs stack including the #gstreamer crates and #libadwaita has landed in #Debian unstable now. Thanks to jbicha for uploading them. Now I'll focus on getting #Loupe ready for #Debian.

Arrived with only 6 mins delay \o/
